jQuery Selectors Reference

Last Updated Jul 18, 2015, 05:05:26 PM

jQuery Selectors Reference

The following table lists all the jQuery Selectors

Method Description Example
Universal universal selector is used to select all HTML elements on the webpage Try It
id id selector uses the id attribute of a HTML tag to find the specific element on the webpage. Try It
class class selector is used to find all the elements which has same class name Try It
this this selector is used to select the current HTML element and apply the required styles Try It
even even selector is used to select only the even HTMLelements on the webpage Try It
odd odd selector is used to select only the odd HTMLelements on the webpage Try It
multiple multiple selector is used to target multiple HTML elements at a time and apply the required styles Try It
eq :eq selector is used to select the element with a specific index within the matched set Try It
first first selector selects the first matched element in the given list of HTML elements Try It
last last selectorselects the last matched element in the given list of HTML elements Try It
gt :gt selector is used to select all elements which are greater than the given index Try It
lt lt selectoris used to select all elements which are less than the given index. Try It
first-child first-child selector is used to select all the HTMLelements which are the first child of their parent Try It
last-child last-child selector is used to select all the last-child elements of its parent. Try It
first-of-type :first-of-type selector used to select the first of type element if there are more than one element in the same parent Try It
last-of-type :last-of-type selector matches elements that have no other element with both the same parent and the same element name coming before it in the document tree. Try It
nth-child Matches all elements that are the nth-child of their parent or that are the parent's even or odd children. Try It
contains contains selector selects all elements which contains the specified text in HTML Try It
empty empty selector selects all HTMLelements that have no children Try It
has has selector , Selects elements the HTMLelements which contain at least one element that matches the specified selector Try It
parent parent selector is used to select the elements which has at least one child element Try It

Other jQuery Selectors you might want to learn
jQuery Selectors

jQuery Basic Selectors

jQuery Child Selectors

jQuery Content Filter Selectors

Sources and Credits

The content and methods in the tutorial has been referred and updated with jQuery API and The jQuery Foundation

Last Updated Jul 18, 2015, 05:05:26 PM